18. Beyer-Machule-Kurs
München 2024


Wir danken den folgenden Firmen für ihre Interstützung:

FCI S.A.S., Paris / Frankreich
Kaffka., Bergisch Gladbach

Transparency Code
According to the guidelines of the FSA (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle für die Arzneimittelindustrie e. V.) the conditions and the extent of support of member companies shall be presented transparently to the participants both in the symposium announcement and execution.

In accordance with the guidelines of the AKG (Arzneimittel und Kooperation im Gesundheitswesen e. V.), member companies should work towards ensuring that their support is disclosed by the organizer both when the symposium is announced and when it is held. Disclosure of the nature and extent of overall support is not an obligation for AKG member companies and is voluntary here upon written consent.

The 2023 meeting disclosure can be downloaded here.